Sunok Kim


Sunok Kim

Assistant Professor, Ph. D.

Department of Software Engineering

Korea Aerospace University


Phone: +82-2-300-0262

Office:  406, Electronics Building, 76 Hanggongdaehang-ro, Deogyang-Gu, Goyang, Korea


Ph. D. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Yonsei University (2014.03 - 2019. 02)

Supervised by Prof. Kwanghoon Sohn

B. S. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Yonsei University (2009.03 - 2014.02)


Assistant Professor in Korea Aerospace University, Goyang, Korea (2021.03 - Present)

Visiting Researcher in École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland (2019.03 - 2019.06)

Working with Prof. Pascal Frossard

Postdoctoral Researcher in Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea (2019.03 - 2021.02)

Working with Prof. Kwanghoon Sohn

Research Interests

2-D/3-D Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Deep Learning

Stereo Matching/ Stereo Confidence Estimation/ Dense Correspondence

SAR Image Understanding/ Spike Neural Network

Image Retrieval/ Visual Localization

Multi-Sensor and Multi-Spectral Computer Vision


BK Outstanding Student Fellow, BK21 Plus Institute of BEST IT Technology, Korea, 2018

Outstanding Student Scholarship, Agency for Defense Development, Korea, 2017-2018

Best Paper Award, Korea Information and Communication Technology Society, 2015

Academic Excellence Award, Yonsei University, 2010, 2012, 2013

National Science & Technology Scholarship, KOSAF, Korea, 2012, 2013